The Barnes & Noble NOOK Tablet features a 1 GHz Dual-Core Processor, 1 GB of RAM, Up to 48 GB of storage (16 GB internal), 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Connectivity, Custom OS (based on Android) and Carabiner clip.
We are surprised to find that the Barnes & Noble NOOK Tablet uses the same battery as the old NOOK Color, though the battery model is changed to NOOKCOLOR. However the Nook Tablet's battery life is 3.5 hours longer than that of the Nook Color.
Part Number: DR-NK02
Type: Li-
Voltage: 3.7V
Capacity: 4000mAh
Replace Code: NOOKCOLOR, 6027B0090501, AVPB001-A110-01
Compatible with
Barnes & Noble Nook Color, Nook Tablet